First thing first, if you are searching for signs or signals that can prove themselves as an end for your marriage life, that means you might have experienced or you might have a fear that you will experience such symptoms in your life. Your situation can be critical or can get critical in the near future. There can be a chance that your spouse might be planning to leave you. Being human beings, it is not easy for us to believe straight and to know what action to perform for the best possible result.
- Your partner does not even give a curse about your whereabouts, he/she does not care to spend your time, and their share in your time, because they are definitely thinking about something else. Your plans of coming or goings are of no claim when there is a divorce about to happen.
- They may not want you to be in front of him/ her, because they feel pleasure when you’re in front of him/ her. They will start to arrange, like packing up, discussing their issue with their family and friends about the situations, for the arrangement of accommodation, or any sort of financial support. He/ she might have even contacted a lawyer in order to proceed with the procedure.
- You may find that their items that were in the sight of yours’, are no more in front of you, not for one thing that he or she owned, but a lot of stuff. You may find some packed stuff like packed bags, or boxes, that will definitely not include the stuff your own. He/ she is not even discussing that how their day even went; they don’t care about each other’s routine if it is disturbing someone.
- Note, after all of this, this is the right time for the discussion, if he or she does actually want to leave you, you have to make yourself cleared about the situation, and about the situation on the other side.
- Spending time in the same room may not be comfortable for your spouse, you will feel his/ her denial. Any try to connect is, at best. Or just getting a silent treatment.
- It might be a gap for wanting a divorce, they just don’t find a way to make it to you, at this a surety that your marriage is falling.
- He/ she might not want any kind of physical contact, and definitely, they will not do it either, they don’t want you anymore. This is a very big signal for the fall of your marriage. Again, it is actually time to discuss what you are going to do.
- As I have mentioned earlier, that your partner made or might have been making financial arrangements to be confident to leave you and survive after separation. He/ she might be lying to you about money.
- If there is a way, to make someone feel denial, it will be by double-crossing their trust, in easy words by simply cheating on them. If he or she is having an affair, it is an absolute sign, that they are about to leave you, or what can you expect. Now if you actually want to save your marriage, you actually have to fight for it. That is if you want to stay together even after an affair.
- When you will try to reach them, they will move you away or will mention tiredness. Let’s say that they are tired but you feel denial, after being pushed away. No surprise, if this hurts you. Remember “not making love” is not a sign of divorce from both sides, which people think nowadays. There might be a possibility that they are suffering from powerlessness etc.
- They prefer to spend time not with you but with their friends or family, this process might be very slow but it will happen at some time if they want separation. Or this can be a possibility that their friends are supporting them.
- If your spouse is working somewhere, it will prefer work more as compared what it was before even on holidays, for multiple reasons, basically two, first one to be supported financially as best as possible him/ herself, and secondly, the don’t want to spend time with you.
- At any gathering or party, they will not feel comfortable spending time in your company. You will defiantly feel the denial. They will spend as little time as they can if they want to hide it from the world.
- They will give excuses or might reject to spend quality time with you because they don’t want to be with you.
If you are searching for signs or signals that can prove themselves as an end for your marriage life, that means you might have experienced or you might have a fear that you will experience such symptoms in your life. Your situation can be critical or can get critical in the near future. Your partner does not even give a curse about your whereabouts, your plans of coming or goings are of no claim when there is a divorce about to happen. They may not want you to be in front of him/ her, they will start to arrange, like packing up, discussing their issue with their family and friends, He/ she might have even contacted a lawyer in order to proceed with the procedure. You may find some packed stuff like packed bags, or boxes, that will definitely not include the stuff your own. Spending time in the same room may not be comfortable for your spouse. He/ she might not want any kind of physical contact, and definitely, they will not do it either. Your partner made or might have been making financial arrangements to be confident to leave you and survive after separation. If he or she is having an affair, it is an absolute sign, that they are about to leave you, or what can you expect. When you will try to reach them, they will move you away or will mention tiredness. They prefer to spend time not with you but with their friends or family.