Online Divorce In Virginia
Are you looking for the easiest way to get a online divorce in Virginia? We offer an affordable, simple, and fast solution to prepare all the legal forms you need to file. Our forms are court-approved and the easiest answer for couples who have an uncontested case in Virginia.
At we prepare all the necessary divorce forms and provide detailed written instructions to file your divorce in Virginia. Our step-by-step process makes preparing your forms easier than ever before.
Each state has their own unique forms and filling requirement, but our online service will provide you exactly what you need to get divorced in Virginia. Our divorce documents preparation service is the perfect, stress-free solution for anyone who needs to complete their divorce forms quickly. has helped thousands of people prepare their divorce documents.
There is no need to drag out your divorce and spend time and money going to a lawyer. Our service allows you to save money and complete the Virginia divorce forms you need to file from the comfort of your living room. If you are always on the go, you can use our service anywhere!
No case to difficult! Whether you have children, need alimony, own your own home, or have other assets, we can help! Just start with our simple online questionnaire, and we’ll provide you instructions for each step of the way.
Most importantly our process at is 100% secure. Rest assured all of your information is private and secured. Additionally, nothing is filed until you submit the divorce papers to the courthouse. Divorce in Virginia with the is the simple stress-free solution you need at this difficult time
What Are Grounds for Divorce in Virginia?
There are many grounds for divorce, but these are some of the most common.
– adultery
Adultery is one of the most common grounds for divorce in Virginia. To prove adultery, you must provide evidence that your spouse had sexual intercourse with someone else. This can be difficult to do, but if you can provide evidence, it will likely be enough to get a divorce. If you are unable to provide evidence, you may still be able to get a divorce based on the other grounds for divorce listed below.
– abandonment
When it comes to the grounds for divorce in Virginia, abandonment is one of the most commonly cited reasons. To file for a divorce based on abandonment, you must be able to prove that your spouse has left you without any intent to return. This can be difficult to do, as it often requires extensive documentation and evidence. If you can provide evidence that your spouse has no intention of returning, then you may be able to file for a divorce based on abandonment.
– cruelty
Cruelty is one of the grounds for divorce in Virginia. Cruelty can be physical or mental cruelty. Physical cruelty is when one spouse hurts or injures the other spouse. Mental cruelty is when one spouse causes emotional harm to the other spouse.
Some things can constitute cruelty. Some examples of cruelty include: verbal abuse, constant arguing, withholding love and support, refusing to have sex, and embarrassing the other spouse in public.
If you are experiencing any of these things in your marriage, you may want to consider filing for divorce on the grounds of cruelty. If you can prove that your spouse has been cruel to you, you may be able to get a divorce based on that ground.
– felony conviction
In Virginia, a felony conviction is one ground for divorce. If one spouse has been convicted of a felony, the other spouse may file for divorce based on that fact. The conviction need not be recent, and it can be from any jurisdiction in the United States.
A felony conviction may have various consequences for the convicted spouse, including jail time, probation, and fines. It can also have an impact on the couple’s children, who may be taken into custody by the state if one of their parents is convicted of a felony.
– imprisonment
When it comes to divorce in Virginia, one of the things that can happen is that one spouse may be imprisoned. This can happen for several reasons, such as not paying child support or violating a restraining order. If one spouse is imprisoned, it can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings. For example, the spouse who is imprisoned may be unable to attend hearings or provide input into the case. Additionally, the other spouse may be responsible for taking care of any children who are affected by the imprisonment.
– insanity
When it comes to divorce in Virginia, one of the things that can happen is that one spouse may be found to be insane. This can happen if the spouse is unable to take care of themselves or their children due to mental illness. If one spouse is found to be insane, it can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings. For example, the spouse who is insane may be unable to attend hearings or provide input into the case. Additionally, the other spouse may be responsible for taking care of any children who are affected by the insanity.
– irreconcilable differences
Irreconcilable differences are one of the grounds for divorce in Virginia. This means that the spouses have been unable to reconcile their differences and continue to live together. Several factors can contribute to irreconcilable differences, such as a lack of communication, different values, and infidelity.
Process To File Online Divorce In Virginia
If you want to get a divorce in Virginia, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Go to your county courthouse and ask for a divorce packet.
When seeking a divorce in Virginia, the first step is to go to your county courthouse and request a divorce packet. This packet will provide all the information you need to file for divorce in Virginia. It will include instructions on how to complete the necessary paperwork, as well as a list of required documents. You will also need to file for divorce in your local circuit court.
2. Complete the necessary paperwork.
After you have obtained the divorce packet from your county courthouse, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork. This includes a complaint for divorce, as well as several other forms. Once you have completed the paperwork, you will need to file it with your local circuit court.
3. Serve your spouse with the divorce papers.
After you have filed for divorce in Virginia, you must serve your spouse with the divorce papers. You can do this by hiring a process server or by sending the papers to your spouse via certified mail. If your spouse does not reside in Virginia, you may need to hire a professional process server to serve them in another state.
4. Attend the final hearing.
After you have served your spouse with the divorce papers, you will need to attend a final hearing. This hearing is held in front of a judge and is typically the last step in the divorce process. At this hearing, the judge will decide on issues such as child custody and property division. Once the judge makes a decision, the divorce will be finalized.
5. Receive a final decree of divorce from the court once all proceedings are concluded.
Once the divorce process is complete, you will receive a final decree of divorce from the court. This document will finalize your divorce and officially end your marriage. The decree will include information on how the property and children were divided between you and your spouse. It is important to review the decree carefully to make sure that everything is correct. If you have any questions or concerns, you should contact an attorney.
6. Follow the court’s instructions for post-divorce procedures.
After the divorce is finalized, there may be some additional steps you need to take. For example, you may need to change your name or update your driver’s license. The court will provide you with instructions on how to complete these post-divorce procedures. Once you have completed them, you will be officially divorced.
About Instant Online Divorce
Getting an online divorce in Virginia does not need to be a headache. We have a guide that you can use to assist you through your divorce process online. In most cases, your forms can be completed in an hour or less. We only need you to answer some simple questions and we will use these questions to complete your divorce forms. You don’t have to go through the tedious process of hiring an attorney and therefore there is no waiting! The process is very simple and…you can download the forms online!
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How much does it cost to get a divorce in Virginia?
The cost of getting a divorce in Virginia can vary depending on several factors. One of the biggest factors is whether or not you hire an attorney. If you hire an attorney, the cost will typically be several thousand dollars. If you do not hire an attorney, the cost will be much lower. However, it is important to note that if you represent yourself in court, you may be at a disadvantage.
Another factor that can affect the cost of a divorce is the amount of litigation involved. If the divorce involves a lot of litigation, such as child custody disputes or property division disagreements, the cost will be higher. However, if the divorce is relatively simple and there are no disagreements, the cost will be lower.
Finally, the cost of a divorce can also depend on the state where you file. In some states, such as California or Texas, the cost of a divorce can be several thousand dollars. In other states, such as Virginia or New York, the cost is typically lower.
How long does it take to get a divorce in Virginia?
The process of getting a divorce in Virginia can take anywhere from three to six months. The time it takes to get a divorce depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case and whether both spouses agree. If spouses can agree without going to court, the process will be much shorter. If there is a lot of litigation and contention involved, the process could take longer.
How to get an uncontested divorce in Virginia?
When it comes to getting a divorce in Virginia, there are a few things you need to know. The first is that you can only get a divorce in Virginia if you are a resident of the state. The second is that there are two types of divorces in Virginia – contested and uncontested. An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties agree on all of the terms of the divorce, including custody, support, and property division. If you and your spouse can agree, you can file for an uncontested divorce in Virginia.
To file for an uncontested divorce in Virginia, you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Complete and file the appropriate divorce forms with the court.
2. Serve your spouse with the paperwork.
3. Attend a final hearing with the court.
4. Receive your final decree of divorce from the court.
If you are unable to come to an agreement with your spouse on all of the terms of the divorce, you will need to file for a contested divorce in Virginia. A contested divorce is one in which the parties cannot agree on all of the terms of the divorce. If you are filing for a contested divorce, you should expect to go to trial. The court will then decide on all of the disputed issues in the divorce.
If you are considering getting a divorce in Virginia, you must consult with an experienced Virginia divorce company. We can help you understand the laws surrounding divorce in Virginia and can help you navigate the process.
What is a no-fault divorce in Virginia?
In Virginia, a no-fault divorce is a divorce in which the spouses do not have to allege any wrongdoing on the part of either spouse to get divorced. This means that either spouse can get a no-fault divorce by simply stating that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.
A no-fault divorce can be a helpful option for couples who are considering divorce but don’t want to get embroiled in a messy and protracted legal battle. It can also be helpful for couples who are unable to agree on the terms of their divorce. A no-fault divorce can be finalized relatively quickly and without a lot of drama, which can be helpful for both spouses and any children they may have.
If you’re considering getting a no-fault divorce in Virginia, it’s important to understand the process and what it entails. Here’s a look at everything you need to know about no-fault divorce in Virginia.
How to Get a No-Fault Divorce in Virginia?
To get a no-fault divorce in Virginia, one of the spouses must file a complaint for divorce with the circuit court in the county where they live. The complaint must state that the marriage has irretrievably broken down and that there is no hope of reconciliation.
Once the complaint for divorce has been filed, the other spouse will have 21 days to respond. If the other spouse does not respond, the court will assume that they do not contest the divorce and will proceed to grant the divorce.
If the other spouse does contest the divorce, the court will set a hearing date and both spouses will have an opportunity to present their case. After hearing from both sides, the court will decide whether or not to grant the divorce.
If the court grants the divorce, a divorce decree will be issued. This decree will officially dissolve the marriage and will outline any arrangements that have been made regarding child custody, child support, spousal support, and division of property.
Getting a no-fault divorce in Virginia is generally a relatively simple and straightforward process. However, it’s important to make sure that you understand the process and what it entails before you get started. If you have any questions about getting a no-fault divorce in Virginia, be sure to speak with an experienced family law attorney who can help guide you through the process.
How do you get a divorce in Virginia when you don’t know where your spouse is?
If you’re looking to get a divorce in Virginia, but you don’t know where your spouse is, you can still file for divorce. You’ll need to file what’s called a ” Divorce by Publication.” This means that you’ll need to publish a notice of the divorce in a local newspaper. The notice will need to include your spouse’s last known address, or if you don’t know their address, their last known place of employment. After you’ve published the notice, you’ll need to wait six weeks. If your spouse doesn’t respond during that time, then the divorce will be final.
If you have any questions about getting a divorce by publication in Virginia, you should contact for help.
Do I have to go to the court to get the Divorce in Virginia?
No, you typically do not have to go to court to get a divorce in Virginia. You can file for divorce through the circuit court clerk’s office. There is a filing fee, and you will need to provide the necessary documentation, including your marriage certificate. If you have children, you will also need to file documents regarding custody and support. If there are any disputes between you and your spouse, the court may need to intervene to resolve them. In some cases, a judge may order mediation to help the parties settle.
How is child custody or child support is settled in Virginia divorce?
Child Custody in Virginia
When parents in Virginia get divorced, one of the things they need to decide is who will take care of the children. Different arrangements can be made, depending on what is best for the children. Parents can agree on a custody arrangement together, or one parent can ask the court to decide what is best for the children.
If you are a parent who is getting divorced in Virginia, it is important to understand your options for child custody and visitation. You will need to make decisions about where your children will live and how they will spend time with each parent. You should also be prepared to discuss these issues with your ex-spouse or the other parent of your children.
If you cannot agree on a child custody arrangement, you may have to go to court and let a judge decide what is best for your children. The judge will consider many factors when deciding custody, including the wishes of the parents and the needs of the children.
Child Support in Virginia
When you get a divorce in Virginia, one of the things you will need to think about is child support. The person who takes care of the children most of the time will usually get child support from the other parent. This money helps to pay for things like food, clothes, and toys for the children.
If you have a good relationship with your ex-spouse, you can probably work out an agreement on child support without going to court. But if you can’t agree, the judge will decide how much child support one parent will pay the other.
The amount of child support you get may be different than what the guidelines say. The guidelines are just a starting point. The judge may decide to give more or less money depending on your situation.
Some of the things that the judge may consider when deciding how much child support to award are:
· How much money each parent makes
· How many children there are
· Whether either parent has custody of another child from a previous relationship
· What kind of childcare expenses are involved
· What the child’s needs are
How to divide property, assets and debts in Virginia divorce?
When it comes to dividing assets, debts, and property during a Virginia divorce, there are some key things to keep in mind. Here are the most important things to know:
-Generally, each spouse is responsible for their debts. However, if one spouse incurs debt during the marriage that is for the benefit of the other spouse or the family as a whole, then that spouse may be responsible for paying that debt.
-Property and assets acquired during the marriage are typically divided equally between the spouses. There are a few exceptions to this rule, however, such as if one spouse can prove that they solely contributed to the acquisition of an asset.
-To divide assets and debts fairly, both spouses typically need to agree about how they will split them up. If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will decide based on what it believes is fair.
If you are going through a divorce in Virginia, it is important to understand how your assets and debts will be divided.
How to serve divorce papers in Virginia to the other party?
When it comes to serving divorce papers in Virginia, there are a few different methods that can be used. The most common way is to hand deliver the documents to the other party. However, if the other party is avoiding service or is not located in Virginia, then another option is to serve the papers by mail.
If you are planning on serving the papers yourself, it is important to make sure that you do so by Virginia law. The process can be complicated, so it is always best to consult with an experienced divorce attorney before taking any action.
If you are unable to serve the papers yourself, you can hire a professional process server. Process servers are trained and experienced in serving legal documents, and they will know how to properly serve the papers in Virginia.
Finally, if all else fails, publication may be used as a last resort. This means that the divorce papers will be published in a local newspaper for a certain period. The other party will then be considered served once the publication period has expired.
No matter which method you choose, it is important to make sure that the papers are served correctly and promptly. Otherwise, you may jeopardize your divorce case. If you have any questions about serving divorce papers in Virginia, or if you need help with any other aspect of your divorce, please contact today.
What are the residency requirements to file divorce in Virginia?
To file for divorce in Virginia, at least one of the spouses must have been a resident of the state for at least six months. If both spouses reside in Virginia, they can file for divorce in any county in the state. If only one spouse resides in Virginia, that spouse must file for divorce in the county where they reside.
If the grounds for divorce occurred outside of Virginia, the Virginia court may still have jurisdiction over the case if one of the spouses is a resident of Virginia. In addition, if the couple has minor children together, the Virginia court may also have jurisdiction over the case even if neither spouse resides in Virginia.

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We promise to give you top-notch service and you can get a uncontested divorce without having to hire an attorney. We make the commitment to you and give you time to go on with your life the way you desire to live it.